Meeting That “of God”

As a convinced Friend, I am very familiar with the phrase “meeting that of God” and the idea that there is that of God in everyone. I’ve been more familiar than comfortable with the concept at times. I’ve often added “or intrinsic good and ultimate worth.” To me it has always meant that every human … Read more

Accepting the Challenge of Non-theism

John Cowan Second Month 2014 This has been a journey. The journey began with my increasing discomfort at the presence of non-theists in my monthly meeting, Twin City Friends, located in St.Paul, Minnesota. These non-theists were not only Quakers, but some of our most beloved members, constant attenders, holding responsible positions. I have only been … Read more

Revealing Our True Selves

by James Riemermann The following is a talk given by James Riemermann at the inaugural conference of the Nontheist Friends Network, Birmingham, UK, March 2012.  Scroll to the bottom of the page for a recording of the talk, in three parts on Youtube. I’m not a Quaker scholar, or really any other kind of scholar. … Read more

Confessions of a Failed C.O.

(I presented this at an adult education session at Twin Cities Friends Meeting in November 2003.  A Friend recently suggested it might spur some conversations around alternative ways of seeing and experiencing what Quakers call the “inward light.” In particular, I think the idea of the inward light as something pure, which can be experienced … Read more

Learning to love and accept “Quatheists” (Nontheist Friends) at Powell House

For three days I have been at the beautiful Powell House Quaker retreat center, up in Old Chatham, New York. I have been attending a workshop on “nontheist Quakers” led by Robin Alpern and Zach Alexander with about 16 other Quakers from around the northeast area.

Meeting for Worship: an Opportunity for Being

Note: New York Yearly Meeting (NYYM) invited the author to write an essay from a nontheist perspective, for a special issue of the NYYM newsletter on Meeting for Worship. Meeting for worship is a potent crucible for breaking the spell of time, the ego, the identity, our daily drama, the alluring vale of tears that … Read more

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