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Welcome! Nontheist Quaker Contemplative Conversations meets three times a month on Zoom – the first and third Tuesdays at 4:00 PM EST (1:00 PM PST) and the second Saturdays at 11:00 AM EST (8:00 AM PST) We will email you before the meetings with the login and topic. We look forward to you joining us.


Email Discussion – the Nontheist Friends (Quakers) Discussion Listserv – The purpose of this discussion listserv, hosted on Google Groups, is to provide a safe and friendly space for nontheist Friends, and other Friends and non-Friends with a genuine and friendly interest in the subject, to discuss the experiences and challenges of being nontheists in … Read more


Note: articles and posts before April 2024 were moved here from our old website,, and new ones are added as they are published.

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