Revealing Our True Selves

by James Riemermann The following is a talk given by James Riemermann at the inaugural conference of the Nontheist Friends Network, Birmingham, UK, March 2012.  Scroll to the bottom of the page for a recording of the talk, in three parts on Youtube. I’m not a Quaker scholar, or really any other kind of scholar. … Read more

Conference of the Nontheist Friends Network at Woodbrooke, March 9-11 2012: MINUTE AND EPISTLE

One year after its formation, 95 members and supporters of the Nontheist Friends Network from all over Britain met as Friends together at Woodbrooke for the Network’s inaugural conference and first annual general meeting. In plenary sessions, break-out groups, workshops and worship we reflected on what it means to live with integrity as committed nontheists … Read more

Getting Beyond the Words: Nontheist Friends Network at Britain Yearly Meeting Gathering Canterbury 2011

Report by Miriam Yagud We expected a lot of interest at this Yearly Meeting, in exploring issues raised by nontheist Friends And there was. The nontheist Friends conference at Woodbrooke last February has stimulated a rich and energetic discussion about nontheism and theological diversity among Friends. Some of this has been reflected in the pages of “The … Read more

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