
Email Discussion – the Nontheist Friends (Quakers) Discussion Listserv – The purpose of this discussion listserv, hosted on Google Groups, is to provide a safe and friendly space for nontheist Friends, and other Friends and non-Friends with a genuine and friendly interest in the subject, to discuss the experiences and challenges of being nontheists in the Religious Society of Friends.

Nontheist Quaker Contemplative Conversations – a private nontheist US-based Quaker group [like a book group] that meets 3 times a month on Zoom – the first and third Tuesdays at 4:00 PM EST (1:00 PM PST) and the second Saturdays at 11:00 AM EST (8:00 AM PST).

Nontheist Friends Network (NFN) United Kingdom) – “a group of nontheist, (nontheist leaning or sympathetic), or humanist Quakers and the Network exists to provide a forum and supportive framework for Friends (Quakers) and other ‘nontheists’ who regard religion as a human creation.” Meets on Zoom once a month on 1st Thursdays at 2:00 PM EST (11:00 AM PST).

Non-Theist Quakers – a public group on Facebook for discussion of non-theism among Quakers (Religious Society of Friends), “Please keep discussion relevant to the main points of the group: quakerism, spirituality, and non-theism or, even better, the intersections of these topics.” – “a simple entry point into liberal Quakerism for those seeking to learn more and perhaps find a liberal Friends Meeting to visit.”

Quaker Universalist Fellowship – “a gathering of Friends who are open to a wide and inclusive understanding of beliefs and spiritual practices. Rooted in the Quaker tradition, we welcome those who seek the underlying truth beneath all faith.”

Sea of Faith network, SOF, UK – “a network of groups and individuals who share the understanding that religions and religious faith are creations of the human imagination and explore together the implications of such an understanding for their moral, spiritual, and social values.”

Friends General Conference (FGC)’s page on Atheism & Nontheism – “By tradition, the doors to meeting for worship are open to all seekers, wherever they are in their spiritual journey. People in Quaker communities exist across the entirety of the belief spectrum, including nontheists and atheists.” FGC is an association of local and regional Quaker organizations primarily in the United States and Canada

Nontheist Quakers on Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia.

Non-Theism and Quakerism – a subreddit of the Quakers community on Reddit. – our original website. This is where the content here from before 2024 is from.

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