While preparation for Nontheist Center activities at the online Gathering was a bit challenging, as were some technical glitches during the week, overall it was fairly successful. We ranged from 5 – 17 participants in each of the afternoon sessions, and the content was well received, at least from the responses we were given.
- Monday: Who are nontheist Friends and how do they navigate within their
meetings and fit into the fabric of Quakerism? 10 participants - Tuesday: Deconstructing to decolonize quakerism: utility in quaker nontheism. 17 participants (even though the incorrect link was published in the daily schedule)
- Wednesday: Silent meeting in the manner of Friends. 6 participants (though the previous group using the Zoom room ran over, blocking our access until after the start time)
- Thursday: Diversifying & including nontheism in our q language. 11 participants
- Friday: Nontheist Friends Look to the Future. 6 participants