Nontheist Quaker Contemplative Conversations

Nontheist Quaker Contemplative Conversations are facilitated by the Nontheist Friends (Quaker) Contemplative Sharing Group, a private US-based group [like a book group].

The Conversations happen 3 times a month on Zoom – the first and third Tuesday at 4:00 PM EST and the second Saturday at 11:00 AM EST.  [It is managed by some different people from those who manage this website.]

If you would like to get emails from us announcing the topics and the login for each meeting on Zoom, please register by filling out the form below.

Whenever we have new people with us, we do introductions. We tell where we are, what our Quaker affiliation is (member, attender, seeker), what Quaker Meeting or Worship Group we are connected to and for how long. How do we identify: atheist, nontheist, agnostic, theist,  other? And if are we “out” in our meeting.

Note: This group is a safe home for us. Anything said in our group is confidential, so it is not okay to share outside the group without specific permission from the person who shared. By participating you agree to this.

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